Monday, July 13, 2009

When the alarm clock goes of unexpectedly.

Recently, I saw someone questioning the need for an alarm 0; after code like
eval {
alarm 5;
alarm 0;
You don't need it under the two obvious code paths (code runs successfully within the time limit and code doesn't finish before the time limit), but if do_stuff(); dies, then you need to disable the alarm (because the alarm 0; in the block eval won't get a chance to run). My solution to this problem is
sub timeout {
my ($wait, $code, $timedout, $error) = (@_,
sub { warn $@ }, sub { die $@ });

eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "timeout\n" };
alarm $wait;
alarm 0;
} or do {
alarm 0; #ensure that alarm is not still set
#raise error if it isn't a timeout
if ($@ eq "timeout\n") {
} else {
This function takes between two and four arguments. The first two are the number of seconds to wait before timing out and a reference to the code to run respectively. The next argument is a reference to code that should be run in the event that the code times out, and the last is a reference to code that should be run in the event that an error occurs. Here are a few examples of how to call it:
timeout 1,
sub { die "oops\n" },
sub { warn "timeout out\n" },
sub { warn "died with $@" };

timeout 1,
sub { select undef, undef, undef, 2 },
sub { warn "timeout out\n" },
sub { warn "died with $@" };

timeout 1,
sub { print "normal execution\n" },
sub { warn "timeout out\n" },
sub { warn "died with $@" };

timeout 1, sub { select undef, undef, undef, 2 };
timeout 1, sub { die "and here it ends" };
This is probably reinventing the wheel, but it works for me.

Here is the full code.

1 comment:

  1. Dawn simulator alarm clocks eliminate much of that early morning crabbiness because of the soothing, natural way in which one wakes up to a dawn simulator alarm clock.


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